蛙の井戸見聞記 Pretty frog in a well who knows nothing of the great web ocean!

~~ 好奇心は猫をも殺す Curiosity Kills the Cat ~~ ♪欲しいモノ・食べたいモノ・ネットで集めた情報と日々の記録の倉庫♪ Logging my life... Since 2003.12  




/lib/cppがない!エラーは、強引に ln -s /usr/bin/cpp /lib/cpp で作製してみた。 http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Oakland/4432/lfs/lfsbook5_11.html

Compling the abinit-7.10.1

There were errors during compiling libXC-2.0.3…... The file "libxc.f90" includes strange codes….the compiler said "unclassified error".you may change the contents in file libxc.f90 exchanging from " ## " to "_". with some editor or regular…