蛙の井戸見聞記 Pretty frog in a well who knows nothing of the great web ocean!

~~ 好奇心は猫をも殺す Curiosity Kills the Cat ~~ ♪欲しいモノ・食べたいモノ・ネットで集めた情報と日々の記録の倉庫♪ Logging my life... Since 2003.12  

open panelやsave panelを使う事も可能だが、ファイルの書式がPOSIXMACで違うらしく、対処がけっこう面倒。下記が楽。


choose file "open file ..."
set theOpenFile to result
open for access theOpenFile
close access theOpenFile


choose file name "save file as..."
set theSaveFile to result
open for access theSaveFile
close access theSaveFile

new file with promptは何故か使えない。