蛙の井戸見聞記 Pretty frog in a well who knows nothing of the great web ocean!

~~ 好奇心は猫をも殺す Curiosity Kills the Cat ~~ ♪欲しいモノ・食べたいモノ・ネットで集めた情報と日々の記録の倉庫♪ Logging my life... Since 2003.12  


# file name: graph.pl

# 初期設定
$outputfile = "kakidashi.txt"
open(DATA, ">$outputfile");

#gnuplot:epsで書きだすための前書き グラフの大きさ設定 x,yの領域設定
open(SCP,">plotgraph.gp") or die "cannot open graph.gp\n";
print SCP "set term postscript eps enhanced\nset xrange [0:1]\nset yrange[0:1]\nset size 0.5,0.5\n";

open(TXP,">graphview.tex") or die "cannot open graphview.tex\n";
print TXP "\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{graphics}\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{figure}\n";
print TXP "\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{cc}\n";





	print SCP "set output \"graph${graphno}.eps\"\nset xlabel \"\"\nset ylabel \"\"\n";
	print SCP "plot \"$outputfile\" index $graphno using 2:3 title \"$inputfile\" lt $graphno \n"; 
	print TXP "\\resizebox{60mm}{!}{\\includegraphics{graph${graphno}.eps}} ";
	if($k % 2 == 0){print TXP "\\\\\n";}else{print TXP "&\n";}
	print TXP "\\end{tabular}\n\\caption{This is figures.}\n\\label{Fig}\n\\end{center}\n"
	print TXP "\\end{figure}\n\\newpage\n\\begin{figure}\n\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{cc}\n";

print TXP "\n\\end{tabular}\n\\caption{This is figures.}\n\\label{Fig}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{figure}\n\\end{document}\n";
close (SCP);
close (TXP);
close (DATA);