蛙の井戸見聞記 Pretty frog in a well who knows nothing of the great web ocean!

~~ 好奇心は猫をも殺す Curiosity Kills the Cat ~~ ♪欲しいモノ・食べたいモノ・ネットで集めた情報と日々の記録の倉庫♪ Logging my life... Since 2003.12  

MySQL, PHPのインストールログ。全然まとめてない。何やったか忘れないようにするためのメモ。

%sudo search mysql
%sudo port install mysql55
%sudo port install mysql55-server
% sudo -u _mysql /opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysql_install_db
%sudo port install php54
  • To customize php54, copy /opt/local/etc/php54/php.ini-development (if this is a development server) or /opt/local/etc/php54/php.ini-production (if this is a production server) to /opt/local/etc/php54/php.ini and then make changes.
%sudo port install php54-mysql
  • To use mysqlnd with a local MySQL server, edit /opt/local/etc/php54/php.ini and set mysql.default_socket, mysqli.default_socket and pdo_mysql.default_socket to /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock
%sudo port install apache2
%sudo port install phpmyadmin


  • To use mysqlnd with a local MySQL server, edit /opt/local/etc/php5/php.ini and set mysql.default_socket, mysqli.default_socket and pdo_mysql.default_socket to /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock
  • phpMyAdmin must be configured before it can be used. Consult the documentation at file:///opt/local/www/phpmyadmin/Documentation.html#config
  • A sample configuration file is installed at /opt/local/www/phpmyadmin/config.sample.inc.php, but you mustn’t edit this file. The file to edit is the real configuration file at /opt/local/www/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php.